Camber Music for Viola and Ensemble, op. 36 ¹4 (Hindemith)

Paul Hindemith (1895–1963)

Camber Music for Viola and Ensemble, op. 36 ¹4

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Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Viola d`amore - Kim Kashkashian 1. Schnelle Halbe 2. Langsam 3. Massig schnell 4. Variante eines Militarmarsches


Wolfram Krist - viola. Recording - February 1996, Berlin.

Entry - April 1, 2010, Glasgow.

Op. 36, No. 4. Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra with Ronald Brautigam (piano), Konstanty Kulka (violin), Norbert Blume (viola d`amore), Lynn Harrell (cello), Kim Kashkashian (viola), Leo van Doeselaar (organ). Recorded in 1990.

Recorded in 1982

Alt - Werner Dickel. 1993

13.06.2020, Dresden, Kulturpalast


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