Camber Music for Viola and Ensemble, op. 36 ¹4 (Hindemith)

Paul Hindemith (1895–1963)

Camber Music for Viola and Ensemble, op. 36 ¹4

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Wolfram Krist - viola. Recording - February 1996, Berlin.

Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Viola d`amore - Kim Kashkashian 1. Schnelle Halbe 2. Langsam 3. Massig schnell 4. Variante eines Militarmarsches

Op. 36, No. 4. Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra with Ronald Brautigam (piano), Konstanty Kulka (violin), Norbert Blume (viola d`amore), Lynn Harrell (cello), Kim Kashkashian (viola), Leo van Doeselaar (organ). Recorded in 1990.


Recorded in 1982

Entry - April 1, 2010, Glasgow.

Alt - Werner Dickel. 1993

13.06.2020, Dresden, Kulturpalast


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