Romance `To Forget So Soon` (1867-68/1870), TH  94 (Tchaikovsky)

Pyotr Tchaikovsky (1840–1893)

Romance `To Forget So Soon` (1867-68/1870), TH 94

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Aleksey Apukhtin

Show records by: listenings count | performer's rating | alphabetical
Salzburg Festival, August 2009.

`Forget so soon` (P. Tchaikovsky - A. Apukhtin)

Forget so soon. Sl. A.N.Apukhtina


Piano - I.Livshishch

1996, Abbey Road Studios, London

Piano - V. Viktorov. Recording of 1969


Great Britain, 1995-97

Entry 1939

Vadim Fedorovtsev - piano. Recording 1990


Obr. for the Y. Dubravin choir. 2008


Recorded in Moscow (Russia), 1991.

Piano - Irina Shcherbina.

LP 1964

Recording from the 1995 CD release

Recorded at Carnegie Hall, New York City, March 2, 1969.


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