Violin Concerto, op.14 (Barber)
1. Allegro
2. Andante
3. Presto in moto perpetuo

Show records by: listenings count | performer's rating | alphabetical

Paris 2011

Recorded: April 27, 1964, New York.

December 15, 1981.

Recorded 1999


Philharmonie, Berlin, 13 April 2010.


Recorded July 2007 at the Sala Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Recorded: May 13, 1980, Paris (live).

Vancouver, 2006.

Released in 2017.

Recorded: April 24, 1994, Saint Louis.

Musical Masterpiece Symphony Orchestra. 1951.

The Cleveland Academy of Music Symphony Orchestra

July 21, 2019, London

album 2014. issue`s

June 1993 - Henry Wood Hall, London


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