«St. Petersburg Songs» - a vocal cycle on poems by Alexander Blok for soprano, mezzo-soprano, baritono, bass, violin, cello and piano (1961-1963),  (Sviridov)

Georgy Sviridov (1915–1998)

«St. Petersburg Songs» - a vocal cycle on poems by Alexander Blok for soprano, mezzo-soprano, baritono, bass, violin, cello and piano (1961-1963)

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1. Ring is Suffering
2. When we Parted, We Swore...
3. Willow Twigs
4. Easter Time
5. In the Attic
6. Lullaby
7. In October
8. We Met in a Church

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Recorded in 1995

Irina Blank (violin), Boris Lifanovsky (cello), Alexander Vedernikov (piano)

Recorded in Small Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, 06/01/2009



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