12 fantasies for violin solo: No. 5 in A-dur, TWV 40: 18 (Telemann)

Georg Philipp Telemann (1681–1767)

12 fantasies for violin solo: No. 5 in A-dur, TWV 40: 18

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Allegro - Presto - Allegro - Presto - Andante - Allegro

Show records by: listenings count | performer's rating | alphabetical
No.5. 1970, Switzerland


Fantasie No.5. 2007, Canada

eglise Saint-Pierre et Saint-Paul de Brûlon, 25.08.2017 (live)

1994, U.K.

rec. in 1988

album of 2012 edition


recorded in 2020 in Austria the violin of Sebastian Klotz of the XVIII century

entry 2022.



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