Piano Sonata ¹ 3 in fis-moll (1897-1898), Op. 23 (Scriabin)

Alexander Scriabin (1872–1915)

Piano Sonata ¹ 3 in fis-moll (1897-1898), Op. 23

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1. Allegro Drammatico
2. Allegretto
3. Andante
4. Presto con fuoco

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Recordings - January 29/30 and February 6, 1968, New York.

recorded in 1956

1984, Moscow


Recorded 1975

Recording from a concert on June 8, 1958

Leningrad, JANUARY 30, 1952

Recorded 1946

Studio recording. September, 1958




Taken from a MELODIYA LP recorded in 1977.


Capriccio, Germany, 2009

Zhukov`s SECOND RECORDING of this sonata. Released by TELOS in 2000.

Zhukov`s FIRST RECORDING of this sonata. Taken from a MELODIYA LP released in 1970s.


Concert in KZCH 07.01.1963


Recording - 1953.



Recorded at Sudwest Tonstudio, Stuttgart, 1973 - 1974





XIV International Tchaikovsky Competition (2011), 2nd round


2000, Italy



Matthew Bengtson - piano. Label: Romeo Records. Release Date: 2005.

Recorded on January 19, 2009 in Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany).


1994 Pogorelich Competition Winner. Recorded in June 1998.

CD 2016






Rec. 26-27 April 1999, Leipzig.

Anna Malikova - piano. Recorded: Campus, Krefeld-Fichtenhain, Germany, 18/19.3.2012, 21/22.2.2013, 28.2./1.3.2014.

Recorded at Westvest Church, Schiendam (The Netherlands), November 23-24, 2018; March 15 and April 12, 2019.



Melodiya recording, 1998.

Recorded in 1968.

Dornier GmbH Friedrichshafen, 1994

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Robert Taub - piano. Label: Harmonua Mundi. Release Date: 1994. Date of recording: May 1988.

Rec. Paris, 6-9 September 2016.


Recorded at Théâtre Impérial, Compiègne (France), March 2015.



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