Concerto for oboe, strings and basso continuo in d-moll, RV454 (Vivaldi)

Antonio Vivaldi (1678–1741)

Concerto for oboe, strings and basso continuo in d-moll, RV454

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oboe - Paolo GRAZZI / Il Giardino Armonico` - con. Giovanni Antonini / 1993, Lugano

I MUSICI DE MONTRÉAL, Yuli TUROVSKY (conductor). Recorded in the Church of Ste. Madeleine, Montréal (Québec), Canada, July 31 and August 1, 1985. Taken from a LP released by CHANDOS Records (England) in 1986.


Neil Black, oboe. English Chamber Orchestra, Pinchas Zukerman - violin and conductor. Label: Sony Classical.

Pier Luigi Fabretti (oboe ) // L’Arte dell’Arco - Federico Guglielmo (violin & concertmaster) // CD 2014

Aufgenommen 1985/86 im Studio Paul-Gerhardt-Kirche, Leipzig

Record - July 28-29, 1981


album 2010.

`I Solisti Veneti`, conductor Claudio Scimone

Michel Piguet - oboe. The Academy of Ancient Music, conductor Christopher Hogwood. Label: Decca. Rec. Nov.-Dec. 1982, London.

Recorded at the Festetich Castle in Budapest, December 3-7, 1992.


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