Ruslan and Lyudmila, opera (vocal), CG123 (Glinka)

Mikhail Glinka (1804–1857)

Ruslan and Lyudmila, opera (vocal), CG123


Show records by: listenings count | performer's rating | alphabetical
aria of Ratmir `And the heat, and the heat ...` (3 d.) 1995, Mariinsky Theater, St. Petersburg

Ratmir`s romance `She is my life, she is my joy!` (5 d.) 1995, Mariinsky Theatre, St. Petersburg

Cavatina Gorislava (“Ruslan and Lyudmila”, 3 d.). 1973

Ruslan`s Aria


Finn`s Ballad

Ludmila`s Cavatina

Ratmir`s aria `And the heat and the heat...` (3 days) recording 1991

Bayan`s second song: Est` pustynnyi kraj. 1997, London

`Ruslan and Lyudmila`. Boyan`s second song.

Finn`s ballad `Welcome, my son` (2 d.), Ruslan - E.Nesterenko recording 1978.

Lyudmila`s Aria (4 d.). Recording of 1950.

Lyudmila`s Cavatina (1 d.). Record of 1950.

Ruslan`s aria `About the field, the field...` (2 d.) recording 1978.

Oh, field, field! (Ruslan`s Aria

Lyudmila`s Cavatina: I am sad, dear father!

Finn`s ballad `Welcome, my son` (2 d.), Ruslan - V.Ognovienko 1995, Mariinsky Theatre, St. Petersburg


Lyudmila`s cavatina Sad for me, dear parent! (1 d.) recording 1978.

Scene, aria and cabaletta by Ruslan / Studio recording. Published in 1968

Farlaf`s Rondo (recording 1931) and Ruslan`s aria (acoustic recording 1908) from the opera Ruslan and Lyudmila.

`The hour of my triumph is near`

Act 2. `Times from Eternal Darkness`


Ratmir`s romance `Everything is quiet! The camp is asleep...` (5 d.) recording 1978.


Recitative and rondo of Farlaf (Act 2). 1937. The orchestra of the Kirov Theater. Dir. Boris Khaykin.

(Act 2): Rondo Farlafa. Orchestra of the Leningrad Philharmonic. Dir. Nikolai Rabinovich. 1939



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