,  (Sinkovsky)
Dmitry Sinkovsky (conductor)

Baroque Orchestra Ghent & Dmitry Sinkovsky (violin, dir.) / 2015

CD Sinkovsky Plays and Sings Vivaldi, 2014 naïve classique

2016, Moscow.

CD `Sinkovsky Plays and Sings Vivaldi` (2014)

Mary-Ellen Nesi (mezzo-soprano) / Baroque Orchestra Ghent & Dmitry Sinkovsky (violin, dir.) / 2015

Mary-Ellen Nesi (mezzo-soprano) / Baroque Orchestra Ghent & Dmitry Sinkovsky (violin, dir.) / 2015

Baroque Orchestra Ghent / 2015

2016, villa San Fermo, Lonigo

CD Sinkovsky Plays and Sings Vivaldi, 2014 naïve classique

CD Sinkovsky Plays and Sings Vivaldi, 2014 naïve classique

aria `Agnus Dei` // recorded in 2016 in the Concert Hall of the Academy of Choral Art named after V.S. Popova, Moscow

2016, villa San Fermo, Lonigo

Recorded in `Unser Lieben Frauen` Church, Bremen on October 11th, 2019 /// video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3QxO5qCNd-E

2016, villa San Fermo, Lonigo

aria `Erbarme Dich` // recorded in 2016 in the Concert Hall of the Academy of Choral Art named after V.S. Popova, Moscow

aria `Es ist vollbracht!` // recorded in 2016 in the Concert Hall of the Academy of Choral Art named after V.S. Popova, Moscow

2016, villa San Fermo, Lonigo

CD Sinkovsky Plays and Sings Vivaldi, 2014 naïve classique

2016, villa San Fermo, Lonigo

Concert performance, Moscow, 06.12.2023

recorded in 2016 in the Concert Hall of the Academy of Choral Art named after V.S. Popova, Moscow


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